City of Louisa

Gem of the
Big Sandy

The city of Louisa was formed under the Mayor-Council form of Government.
The mayor-council plan is distinguishable by the clear separation of powers between the mayor (executive) and the council (legislative). The city council may enact ordinances, levy taxes, adopt a budget and set compensation, in addition to other legislative duties. The mayor's principle function as chief executive and administrative officer of the city is to oversee the management of the city's daily affairs (See KRS 83A.130). He or she serves no legislative function and may only vote in order to break a tie.
MAYOR Harold Slone
Joey McClanahan
Gary Robertson
Caleb Farley
Rose Lester
Coty Roe
Keith Chaffin
Jul 03, 2018
Louisa Public Utilities Board
Jul 17, 2018
7:00 PM
City Council Meeting
Aug 07, 2018
6:00 PM
Louisa Public Utilities
Aug 14, 2018
7:00 PM
City Council Meeting

All meetings, regular or special, of the Louisa City Council are OPEN to the public. Regular meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month at city hall. Special meetings may be called at any time but sufficient notice will be given to the public. Citizens are always welcome and may address the council during the public comments section by stating your name and address for the city records.
In 1976, the General Assembly enacted the Open Records Act, KRS 61.870 to KRS 61.884, which establishes a right of access to public records. The General Assembly recognized that free and open examination of public records is in the public interest. All public records, whether they are stored in a computer or on paper, must be open for inspection unless the records are exempted by one or more of the fourteen exemptions found in the Act. You may inspect any nonexempt public record regardless of your identity, and you may seek enforcement of the Act if you are denied this right.